::Still Jordynn Pov:: ~Next day~ ughhh More work i love Our Music but Today was the day view Of Our New Song...2 interviews,cd signings,5 meet&greets In all diffrent parts of the state O_O I Texted Niesh Ill Meet her at the Studio in a half hour .She sent back a Smiley face then I got in the Shower washed my Beautiful Black Hair well Prince Says Its beautiful. Brushed my teeth in the shower i was in a rush after all that i But on My favorite flats &My Jeans with a cute tee gave prince a kiss good bye&Headed To The Studio with 10 mins to spare!!::Pov ova:: ::Tyniesha pov::I Kissed prodigy Good morning He was rushing to get to work he hated to go But I had to go to So He didn't really Hesitate Jordynn texted me I Sent a smiley face i was in a good mood& I Put On My Red fitted v neck with some Black Skinny Jeans with Some Red heels&red&Black varisty jacket...It was prodigy's but He didnt mind I grabbed my Hubby Prod gave him one more Kiss&left with 15 mins to spare:;Pov ova:: ~! at the studio~ Diggy;hey cousin*hugged Niesha*You interview will Be in Main Stage Room#4 Niesha;Oh Thanks,Wheres Jor- Diggy:In There waiting For them to started Shai&Jordyn nare waiting for you&kiki..... ~Niesha walked into the room 7 sat between Shai&Jordynn& 3 mins laster Kiki walked in~ Interviewer:My Name Is John Hammer from "Yolo daily" How are You Beautiful Girls Today? Kiki:Great ! Niesha:good. Jordynn:Pretty Good. Shai:Im Making it. John:So Umm How does It Feel To Have You New Song" Stix&Stones ...